3 Red Flags Home Sellers in Louisville Should Watch Out For

Even in today’s seller’s market with low inventory and high demand, home sellers in Louisville still need to carefully consider offers – beyond the dollar amount – and reject some. Some buyers are just too picky and have unrealistic expectations, others really aren’t qualified buyers, and still others include things in their offer that are … Continued

5 Tips to Help You Improve the Screen Appeal of You Louisville Home

You’ve probably heard that when selling a home, you need to work on and enhance curb appeal. And that’s true. But now there’s “screen appeal.” This refers to the way your home appears in photos, videos, and virtual tours. It is critical that you get it right because most home buyers begin their home search … Continued

4 Tips to Win a Bidding War When Buying a House in Louisville

The competition is fierce when making an offer and buying a property in today’s Louisville real estate market. But, unfortunately, when a bidding war begins, emotions can get the best of the most experienced investor. So it is crucial to consider the genuine possibility of a bidding war, preparing yourself in advance to avoid costly … Continued

5 Things to Know About Buying Distressed Properties in Louisville

Distressed properties aren’t always bargains. There is, however, the potential to discover a great deal among them. Typically, a property becomes distressed because the owner faces financial devastation, and there is no other recourse than to sell. Of course, if a home has fallen into a state of serious disrepair, this too is a distressed … Continued

5 Tips for Investment Partnerships in Louisville

Investing with a partner to buy real estate can be beneficial to both. You must take steps to ensure that the relationship will endure, however, so you need to develop a plan for the partnership from the initial investment through the exit strategy. Additionally, it has to be the right fit for you. While you … Continued

How to Resolve Disputes With Investment Partners in Louisville

Buyers or sellers often team up in their real estate investment endeavors with a partner with which they can build an investment portfolio, with the dream of full enjoyment of their golden years in the style to which they have become accustomed. Naturally, you have selected a partner on the same page as you regarding … Continued

5 Repairs to Overlook When Buying Investment Property in Louisville

Which repairs are deal-breakers and which have acted as placeholders for a wise investor like you to come along? Buyers want homes ready to move into and often lack the time, patience, or imagination to consider less than perfect houses. Homes with less curb appeal typically tend to sit longer on the market. The best … Continued

5 Tips for Siblings Dealing With Inherited Property in Louisville

Have you inherited property in Louisville? Sadly, without proper forethought, you may suddenly face life without your parents, who have left their property to all of their children without a plan in place, which can be quite a chaotic experience. Dealing with a sudden whirlwind of paperwork and details during such an emotionally difficult time … Continued

What You Should Know About Real Estate Trusts in Louisville

Preparing for when a loved one passes will allow you to endure the loss without adding the stress and pressures of dealing with all of the details of an estate. If you’re wealthy, then the alarming tax rate on gits has likely been of concern. Taking action by preplanning for the distribution of an estate … Continued
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